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New Year: Healthy Mindsets and Goal-Setting

Marley Jokinen

The month of January is typically accompanied by post-holiday guilt, strict New Year's resolutions, and back-to-school/work stress. We often spend the first month of the year consumed with ways to better ourselves - on the inside, outside, and everywhere in between, and better our lives - personal, professional, academic, etc… I say this year, let’s scrap that.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we cannot rely on planning, we cannot count on our resolutions to be upheld because, quite frankly, life has plans of its own. In January of 2020, I, like many others, made some resolutions. I pledged to head to the gym daily (how original), I pledged to spend any free time between classes in the library, I pledged to spend my summer working in Banff, Alberta. As you can imagine, NONE of these things happened. With gyms and libraries closed, travel possibilities restricted, my dream job in Banff no longer offered, I was left confused and a bit hopeless. But, I made it through.

Flash forward to January of 2021, with the toughest year to date under my belt, I’m excited for the next. And as such, I only have one pledge this year: No post-holiday guilt, no overwhelming back-to-school/work stress, no strict resolutions. Instead, I choose to spend the beginning of the new year celebrating simply making it through 2020, taking pride in anything - no matter how large or small - I accomplished in the most unprecedented of times, being thankful for my family, friends, and good health, and allowing myself to feel hopeful and excited for the things ahead… And I urge you all to do the same.

From me and the entire BoostHER team… Congratulations on your 2020 and all of our best wishes and encouragement for your 2021!

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